Dr. sc. hum. Rüdiger Retzlaff, Diplompsychologe
Psychotherapist & Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
Faculty member at the Helm Stierlin Institut
Clinical Director of the State Licencure Ttraining Program in Systemic Therapy with adults (HSI)
Private Practice in Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim
Educator and supervisor in systemic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy and hypnotherapy (AFTA, BDP, DGSF, DGVT, DVT, LPK-BW)
Educating coach (SG)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board DPTV
Curriculum vitae
born in 1957, married, two children. After school and high school in Germany and in Great Britain at the United World College of the Atlantic (with a grant from Studienstiftung) studies of clinical psychology at the University of Tübingen; Diploma 1985. Postgraduate studies in Berkeley (with a grant by Fulbright-Foundation); State license in psychotherapy and child & adolescents psychotherapy in 1991; Ph.D. in 2007 at the University of Heidelberg Medical School
Extended professional experience at counselling centers (school psychology, child guidance centres, family treatment centre Stuttgart-Sonnenberg) and hospitals (Psychiatric State Hospital Nordbaden, Psychosomatic Department at Heidelberg University Hospital, Director of the Clinic of Mairtal and Famil Therapy at Heidelberg University Hospital for more than 20 years). Private Practice since 1991.
Psychotherapeutic Training in Marital and Family Therapy (California Graduate School of Marital and Family Therapy and Philadephia Child Guidance Clinic), in Systemic Therapy (IGST ), in Clinical Hypnosis (MEG and with Carol Erickson, M.S.W), NLP-Practioner (DGNLP), Clincial Psychologist/ Psychotherapist (BDP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IFKV Bad Dürkheim and at the Psychological Institute of the University of Tübingen), Psychodynamic Therapy (Psychosomatic Department at Heidelberg University Hospital), training in body-oriented and humanistic therapy approaches (including Gestalt therapy with Erv and Miriam Polster, in Tai Chi with L. Tsoja and the Feldenkrais-method with Roger Russell).
LKP-BW Landespsychotherapeutenkammer Baden-Württemberg
Member of the State Board of Psychotherapy Regulation
AFTA American Family Therapy Academy
DGSF Deutsche Gesellschaft für Familientherapie und Systemische Therapie
DGVT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie
DPTV Deutsche Psychotherapeutenvereinigung
DVT Dachverband für Verhaltenstherapie
M.E.G. Milton-Erickson-Gesellschaft
SG Systemischen Gesellschaft (Honorary Member)
Honorary activities
Beziehungsweise e.V.
Elternhilfe Rett-Syndrom
Psychosoziale Dienstleistungen Bergstraße
Teaching and training
Institut für klinische Verhaltenstherapie (IFKV) Bad Dürkheim
Lindauer Psychotherapie-Wochen
Stuttgarter Zentrum für Verhaltenstherapie (SZVT)
Faculty member at the Helm Stierlin Institut (HSI) Heidelberg
Zentrum für Psychologische Psychotherapie (ZPP) at the University of Heidelberg
Norddeutsches Institut für Kurzzeitherapie (NIK)
WTTS Poznan